Welcome to The Oil Shoppe
Aroma. It’s the main ingredient in the wide range of essential oils we offer.
If a product earns the TOS label, you can count on it being of the highest quality. Therapeutic essential oils are 100% natural and fifty times more powerful than herbs. They are quick acting and so easy to use.
Amazing how pure essential oils have an aroma that differs so greatly from the fragrance oils being used in common, everyday products, isn’t it? That may be the first thing that strikes you as you open your newly arrived order from The Oil Shoppe. What you will love most, though, are the rapid therapeutic benefits you’ll receive from these fantastic quality oils.

Together, studies of herbs, nutrition, a masters degree in iridology, and a functional medicine blood work analysis specialization provide Coach Caroline with powerful healing tools and a knowledge base that brings the future of natural medicine to her clients today.
Learn More About Essential Oils
Whether you are a newbie essential oil user or have been applying them for years, there is always something to learn in the vast field of aromatherapy. Make sure you are applying them safely and in the proper manner. Help is just a click away. Respect these powerful medicines that oils are. Using too much or too little could render them useless. It’s important to use just the right amount and in the proper dilution so your cells can put the oil to work. Click on some fun recipes and get creative. The wonderful world of aromatherapy awaits you!